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5 Reasons Why You Should Hang Your Clothes Up To Dry (Instead Of Machine Drying)

Clothes hanging on a clothesline

5 Reasons Why You Should Hang Your Clothes Up To Dry (Instead Of Machine Drying)

Instead of throwing them in the dryer, why not hang your clothes out to dry? There are so many benefits to using the clothesline (or your chairs inside if you have limited backyard or balcony space) and skipping the dryer. Let's take a look at 5 reasons why you should hang your clothes out to dry - instead of just chucking them into a clothes dryer.

Whether you have abundant sunshine or not, your wallet is likely to get a boost from extending the life of your clothing and lowering your energy bill by hanging your garments up. Although it takes a bit longer to do than using a dryer, it's an investment that will pay for itself over time. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why you should hang your clothes out to dry, along with some helpful tips along the way.

1. You'll Save Money On Drying Costs

Sunny day with clear air outside perfect for hanging clothes out to dry

Sunny day with clear air outside perfect for hanging clothes out to dry

Most people use a tumble dryer to dry their clothes after they have gone through their regular wash cycle. Depending on where you live and the cost of electricity, this can be quite costly. Safe to say, it is expensive to machine-dry your clothes, especially if it isn't used conservatively and the dryer isn't energy efficient.

If you want to learn more about what makes a good dryer, see our guide on How To Choose A Good Clothes Dryer – A Guide For The Novice.

They are one of the most expensive appliances to use, after all. Heat-pump dryers are relatively efficient but expensive to buy. Although vented dryers are cheap to buy, they cost a lot to run. Essentially, no matter what dryer you get, the initial and ongoing cost of owning and using a clothes dryer adds up - especially if you compare it to air-drying.

"No matter how you slice it, air-drying your clothes is so much cheaper than using a clothes dryer."

Let's add some numbers to this. Let's assume your electricity costs 30 cents per kWh and your dryer uses 5 kWh per load. Your dryer will cost you approximately $225 every year if you use it three times per week (or about 150 times a year). Now, if you have a large family and a couple of pets, this number goes up substantially. Scary, isn't it?

On the other hand, if you dry your clothes outside, that cost is zero! It costs nothing to hang your clothes outside. Let the natural sunlight and wind do their thing. Depending on where you live, you might have to invest in a clothesline - but they certainly come cheaper than running and purchasing a brand-new dryer! I am sure most of us can find one that fits our needs and budget.

2. You'll Help The Environment

Clothesline hanging from a tree with clothes drying on it

Clothesline hanging from a tree with clothes drying on it

Using a clothesline to dry your clothes outside also does a great job of keeping us environmentally conscious, helping to keep a ton of carbon out of the atmosphere. You may not realize this, but each year a lot of carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, just because a lot of us choose to use a clothes dryer to dry our wet clothes.

The manufacturing of a clothes dryer also has an environmental cost. If dangerous materials were used, or if parts can't be recycled, they all ended up in landfills. This includes the raw materials, the energy required during manufacturing, the packaging, the transportation, as well as the end-of-life impact.

So, if you are worried about the environment, hanging your clothes up - inside or outside - can help the environment tremendously. This is one of the best ways we can do our part for the environment and help keep it looking great.

3. It Freshens And Helps Preserve Your Clothes

Hanging your clothes outside to dry them will freshen them up and make them smell like they just came out of the dryer - though, they may not be as warm, we're afraid. The sun's rays are a natural bleach and disinfectant and will help maintain the colour of your clothes and give off a pleasant, natural smell.

Not to mention, the high heat and aggressive tumbling and turning caused by clothes dryers are not good for your clothes. No matter how gentle the drying cycle is, these effects can shorten the lifespan of your clothes, towels and bedding. Nothing beats the gentleness and the natural breeze of outside air-drying. Your clothes will love you for it.

This is particularly the case with your favourite woollen jumpers as the electric dryer can cause permanent damage to their fibres. When spun into clothing, the fibres of wool are stretched and made straight. Heat can cause that stretch to relax and the fibres to constrict, much like a recoiling spring, leaving your clothes as remnants of what they used to be.

"The high heat and aggressive tumbling and turning caused by your dryer is not good for your clothes."

There are methods you can use to stretch them out once more, but they are not always successful. You are better off preventing the issue from arising in the first place by hanging your clothes up to dry instead.

While some dryers do feature a "woollens" option, using it can be dangerous. It's best to avoid using any heat or mechanical movement at all with woollen clothing. Although the "woollens" setting in dryers is intended to be kinder than the standard settings and use less heat, it's best to avoid risking it if air drying is an option. Plus, it's arguably the better choice anyway!

4. No Serious Safety Concerns

Women jumped inside a dryer at the laundromat

Women jumped inside a dryer at the laundromat

There are also worries about safety when it comes to clothes dryers. After every load, lint can accumulate and if it isn't cleaned after every load (like most of us don't) it can ignite a fire by raising the temperature inside the machine's drum.

Not to mention that kids like to be kids and may find themselves climbing inside them. The scary thought here is that some dryers start automatically when the door is closed - and this could lead to a disastrous situation.

5. It's Great Exercise And Gets Us Outside

Clothes hanging on a clothesline

Clothes hanging on a clothesline

There is something very therapeutic about line-drying your clothes outside, especially in the spring and summertime when the weather is warm and beautiful. When you hang your clothes up, you can spend some time in the sun, taking in the fresh breeze.

It can also motivate you to bring your children outside while you hang your clothes up on a warm spring or summer day. You could even enlist their help. Use your imagination to make this a simple, yet rather enjoyable family activity. You could also use the time to catch up on some reading, meditate, or even get some yard work done. The world is your oyster.

The Bottom Line

Drying your clothes outside is a great way to save money, help the environment, and get some exercise. It is a natural way to freshen your clothes and preserve their fabric and longevity. Plus, you avoid all the scary safety concerns that dryers have to offer!

If you want to understand why the other half still dry their cltohes with a dryer, see To Ditch or Not To Ditch Your Clothes Dryer: 7 Reasons To Keep Your Dryer.

Foldify - Wash, Dry & Fold

If you don't want to worry about any of this, let us introduce our wash, dry, and fold service here at Foldify. Fill your personal Foldify bags (which we'll give you for free!) with your laundry and within 24 hours, your clothes will be picked up, washed, dried, and delivered to your doorstep. We even offer an express option where your clothes will receive the same high-quality treatment within 12 hours with our same-day delivery service.

Foldify your clothes today with our mobile app, available on both the Google Play and Apple store. Send us an email at if you have any questions (or concerns) at all.

Foldify - Wash, Dry & Fold

Until next time,
